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Caltech Glee Club Auditions 2024-2025

Caltech Glee Club and Chamber Singers Auditions
Nancy Sulahian, Music Director

Caltech has a wonderful choral singing tradition and you are invited to be part of it!

How to join - Singers in the Caltech community who desire to be in a choir and commit to the rehearsal/performance schedule are welcome to join Glee Club. Director Nancy Sulahian wants to meet and hear new singers one-on-one before the first rehearsal as a very non-stressful way to get to know each voice and to assign parts. You may sing any song that you are comfortable with. You may provide your own accompaniment or sing unaccompanied. Glee Club auditions are very friendly and low pressure, so don't let fear of auditioning discourage you from singing! 

Auditions will be held in the Hameetman Center Frautschi Hall, 2nd floor:

  • Saturday, September 28, 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Sunday, September 24, 4:00-6:00 pm

Please contact Nancy Sulahian at if you can't make the scheduled audition time/date.

Sign up for ten-minute slots here. Please fill out the Choral Music Audition Form and email to prior to your scheduled audition time.

Caltech Glee Club is a 50-voice mixed choir comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, postdocs, staff, alumni and JPL employees. Glee Club rehearses twice per week (three hours total) singing art music in a variety of musical styles and languages, from Medieval times to the 21st century. The choir performs for Institute events throughout the year and presents formal concerts at the ends of the fall and spring terms. Each winter the Caltech Glee Club appears as a founding member of the Pacific Southwest Intercollegiate Choral Association Festival. Glee Club often collaborates with the Caltech Orchestra, presenting large choral-orchestral works such as Mozart Requiem, Haydn "Lord Nelson" Mass and "Paukenmesse," Orff Carmina Burana, Vaughan Williams Dona nobis pacem, Britten Chichester Psalms and Rejoice in the Lamb, Lauridsen Lux Aeterna. 

Weekly Glee Club rehearsals are Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm and Wednesdays from 5:05-6:35 pm. Rehearsals are in Frautschi Rehearsal Hall (Hameetman Center second floor). Singers are encouraged to commit for the full academic year (fall, winter and spring terms). Undergrad and grad students may enroll for credit (PA 35).

Caltech Chamber Singers is a smaller group selected by audition from the ranks of the Glee Club. This group rehearses 8:45-10 pm on Mondays, performing advanced music composed for smaller forces. Standard repertoire for this smaller group includes madrigals, chansons, motets, carols and part songs from the Renaissance through contemporary times. Chamber Singers auditions will be held at the same time as Glee Club auditions and will include a sight reading component. Undergrad and grad students who are accepted may enroll for credit (PA 37).

To hear a few pieces sung by the Chamber Singers and Glee Club at our Ambassador Auditorium concert, click here.

Glee Club and Chamber Singers first rehearsal will be Monday, October 2 at 7:00 pm in Frautschi Rehearsal Hall. Schedules and music will be available that night. If you're a student who hasn't yet signed up for credit, bring your add card for signature.