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Friday, November 01, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Linde Hall 187

Geometry and Topology Seminar

The (fractional) Dehn twist coefficient and infinite-type surfaces
Hannah Turner, School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Stockton University,

The fractional Dehn twist coefficient (FDTC) is an invariant of a self-map of a surface which is some measure of how the map twists near a boundary component of the surface. It has mostly been studied for compact surfaces; in this setting the invariant is always a fraction. I will discuss work to extend this invariant to infinite-type surfaces and show that it has surprising properties in this setting. In particular, the invariant no longer needs to be a fraction - any real number amount of twisting can be achieved! I will also discuss a new set of examples of (tame) big mapping classes called wagon wheel maps which exhibit irrational twisting behavior. This is joint work in progress with Diana Hubbard and Peter Feller.

For more information, please contact Math Department by phone at 626-395-4335 or by email at or visit